The Hub April, 2023, monthly e-newsletter from Independent Directors’ Databank provides you a broad view of developments happening around Regulatory framework, Corporate world among other updates.
The featured stories in various sections cover regulatory updates, governance practices and experience sharing by Independent Directors.
Organizations are rapidly changing due to the increasing need to adopt digital technologies. This evolution has wide-ranging ramifications for employees and their leaders. As digital enablers, leaders play a crucial role in driving positive results from the investment in new technologies. To accomplish that and effectively lead employees through these massive changes, leaders need to adopt a new leadership style. While pushing the digital agenda forward, leaders need to create a positive, connected, and highly collaborative work environment that doesn’t leave anybody behind.
Setting in the Hub – April, 2023 issue highlights "Leading in the Digital Era" a collection of research articles from Harvard Business School.
Vignettes showcase an article from KSS Kanhaiya, Independent Director titled "Independent Directors for a better world".
Regulatory Worktop shares the key updates about, a) SEBI’s Comprehensive FAQs on Insider Trading Regulations, b) Department of Public Enterprises’ Corporate Governance Grading Report for CPSEs, c) SEBI’s Master Circular on Surveillance of Securities Market, d) MCA notified the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2023 and e) New Foreign Trade Policy 2023.
Regulators Eye focus on the key updates relating to, a) CAG Audit process to be fully digitalised from April 1, 2023, b) Dish TV shareholders reject appointment of 4 candidates as Independent Directors, c) The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in USA, d) Infosys appoints D. Sundaram as lead Independent Director after Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw retires, and e) Funding, Governance standards key to Adani company ratings: S&P.
Events Expo showcases relevant national and global upcoming events, programs, workshops, conferences, etc. for participation of the members. This issue covers Session on Speed Mentoring for Women Mentees | Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry | April 15, 2023 and Nasscom Global Inclusion Summit | April 26-27, 2023.
Global Events, suggested are Getting Your First Board Role | Financial Times – Board Director Programme and 10 tips on how to Chair a Board Committee effectively | Corporate Governance Institute | April 17, 2023.
Editorial Board
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