SEBI recently notified amendments to LODR Regulations which provide for more responsibilities on key managerial personnel, directors, promoter, promoter group or any other person dealing with the listed entity to disclose to the listed entity all information that is relevant and necessary for the listed entity to ensure compliance with the applicable laws, more clarity on the position of Compliance officer, discontinuation of certificate from compliance officer & RTA in respect of Share Transfer Activities, timelimit to comply with resolution under Insolvency code, prior arrangement in respect of non-executive director who is attaining age of 75 years, non-applicabiltiy of shareholder approval in next general meeting or within three months from the date of appointment of director, in respect of appointment or re-appointment of a person nominated by a financial sector regulator, Court or Tribunal to the board of the listed entity, timelimit to fill-up director vacancy within 3 months, 4 Audit Committee meeting in a Financial year, no approval & disclosure requirements for sitting fees to directors / KMP who are not part of promoter or promoter group unless it is material, post-facto approval of certain Related Party Transactions by Audit Committee subject to certain conditions among other important amendments.
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