In order to facilitate ease of filing and compliance for listed entities, SEBI has rolled out a new compliance framework for listed entities, introducing integrated filing for governance and financial disclosures, which will be applicable for filings to be done for the quarter ending December 31, 2024. This move aims to reduce compliance burdens by unifying multiple periodic filing requirements into a single system. As per SEBI circular, the timeline for quarterly Integrated Filing (Governance) such as statements on investor grievance redressal and corporate governance compliance shall be within 30 days from the end of the quarter and for Integrated Filing (Financial), including disclosures of related-party transactions and quarterly financial results, shall be within 45 days from the end of the quarter, other than the last quarter, and 60 days from the end of the last quarter and the financial year.
Under the new system, governance-related filings such as statements on investor grievance redressal and corporate governance compliance must now be submitted within 30 days of the quarter's end.
SEBI also mandated quarterly disclosure of specific material events, including tax litigation updates, minor penalties, and acquisitions exceeding defined thresholds. These are to be incorporated into the integrated filing format, streamlining previously fragmented reporting practices.
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