Recent appointments of Independent Directors are indicating that India inc is making its boards younger. In the age of disruptive technologies, young minds with skills & understanding of AI, ML, Data Science, blockchain etc have become primary choice for companies which are looking for Independent Directors. In a country where millennials make up the largest share of the workforce, India Inc is trying to board young executives as independent directors. Bringing on young independent directors adds dynamism and new-age thinking to corporate boards. It also helps in bridging the age diversity gap on the boards of companies.
Embracing age diversity could be a game-changer for many large companies. Organizations focus on age as they look to respond to disruptions in their sectors as well as to the rise of new technologies like blockchain and AI. While one cannot take away from the wisdom and rich experience of senior independent directors, young individuals have a different perspective in a rapidly changing business environment and consumer profile. They understand digital and related technologies and can advise the board on how these can be used to reach consumers. The evolving landscape of technology, customer dynamics, and workforce composition has accentuated the value of generational diversity in the boardrooms. More than 800 independent director positions will open up in a year's time. This is because Sebi mandates that independent directors can stay on the board for no more than two five-year terms. Companies, then, can look to fill seats with younger candidates.
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