RBI recently release a statement mentioning various developmental and regulatory policy measures relating to (i) Financial Markets; (ii) Regulation and Supervision; (iii) Payment Systems; and (iv) FinTech. Under financial markets it talks about ‘Review of Regulatory framework for Financial Benchmark Administrators’, under regulation and supervision, it mention ‘Review of Regulatory Framework for NBFC – Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDF-NBFCs)’, ‘Responsible Conduct in Lending: Greater transparency in Interest Rate Reset of Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) based Floating Interest Loans’ & ‘Consolidation and harmonisation of instructions for Supervisory data submission’, under payment systems, it mention ‘Conversational payments in UPI’, ‘Offline payments in UPI’ & ‘Enhancing transactions limits for small value digital payments’ and ‘Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit’ under FinTech.
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