Ernst & Young LLP has announced an industry-first split of their auditing and consulting functions, dubbed "Project Everest," a radical move that could completely transform the business model for accounting firms. The split still needs final approval from EY Partners, with a vote slated for later this year. The announcement has ignited a fiery debate from the global accounting and business community, with many praising EY for its bold, first-mover split and the potential windfall for EY’s advisory businesses. The division will separate EY’s accountants who audit companies such as Inc., Inc., Alphabet, Inc. and more, from its faster-rising—and typically more profitable—consulting business. The company’s split would also mark the biggest shake-up in the sector since the 2002 collapse of Arthur Andersen, the auditor that was mired in the Enron scandal and whose downfall reduced the Big Five to the Big Four.
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