SEBI extended the relaxation to listed companies whereby they will not be required to dispatch physical copies of annual reports to their shareholders till December this year following the same decision of MCA. The decision has been taken after SEBI received multiple representations from listed companies, seeking dispensation from requirements of sending hard copies of annual reports to the shareholders. Against this backdrop, SEBI has decided to provide relaxation up to December 31, 2022, from LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, which require companies to send hard copies of annual reports to the shareholders who have not registered their email addresses.
Further, the notice of Annual General Meeting published by advertisement in terms of LODR rules, should contain a link to the annual report so as to enable shareholders to have access to the full annual report.
It is however emphasised that in terms of... LODR Regulations, listed entities are required to send hard copy of full annual report to those shareholders who request for the same.
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