The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) notified the LLP (Amendment) Rules, 2022 and inserted new rules concerning the LLP. Highlights of the Rules include new rule 19A which provides for the allotment of the new name for the existing LLPs, where an LLP does not change its name as per the directions issued by the Registrar under of the LLP Act within three months. The new name of the LLP will be the combination of the below of Letters ‘ORDNC’ (Order of Regional Director Not Complied), Year of passing direction, Serial number & Existing LLPIN and subsequently registrar will issue new certificate of incorporation, further new rules 37A, 37B, 37C and 37D which provide for the adjudication of LLP penalties and appointment of adjudicating officer not below the rank of Registrar for adjudicating penalty under the LLP Act. The adjudicating officer can pass an order of penalty against an LLP after sending notice and hearing the concerned person of the LLP.
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