The Hub December, 2021, monthly e-newsletter from Independent Directors’ Databank gives you a broad view of developments happening around Regulatory framework, Corporate world among other updates.
The featured stories in various sections cover regulatory updates, governance practices and experience sharing by Independent Directors.
COP26 is another international cooperative effort to push the global economy toward decarbonization as soon as possible to avoid catastrophic consequences. While technological advancements in the renewable sector and alternative energy sources may assist, they are not enough in tackling this complex global problem. Reliance on energy sources has largely been driven by cost-competitiveness and convenience, with environmental impacts rarely being considered. Companies have to take promising steps to start laying the groundwork for decarborization. Decarbonizing various sectors of the economy would take huge cost but it would also support long-lasting value creation.
Setting in the Hub – December, 2021 issue highlights “Value Creation in a Decarbonizing Economy” an article from Matthew Abel, Cornelius Pieper, Eric Wick, Jody Foldesy, Judith Wallenstein, Vinay Shandal, Gerry Hansell, and Michael Glotter of Boston Consulting Group.
Vignettes showcase the highlights of power talk with Mr. U.K. Sinha, Ex-Chairman, SEBI on the topic of “Recent Trends in Corporate Governance in India”.
Regulatory Worktop shares the key updates about, a) Investor Charter from SEBI, b) RBI releases the Report of the Working Group on digital lending including lending through online platforms and mobile apps, c) SEBI’s Disclosure obligations of listed entities in relation to Related Party Transactions, d) MCA release draft rules/regulations for cross border insolvency resolutions, e) SEBI’s Master Circular on Scheme of Arrangement by Listed Entities and f) Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and IEPFA further simplify IEPFA Claim Settlement Process.
Regulators Eye focus on the key updates relating to a) COP26: India emerging as an integral part of climate solution while West practices climate colonialism; b) Fitch Affirms India at 'BBB-'; Outlook Negative, c) Paytm - Indian Stock Market’s biggest IPO and its performance, d) Government’s planning to ban almost all private cryptocurrencies, and e) Public sector companies far behind private firms on ESG scores: Acuité Ratings.
Events Expo showcases relevant national and global upcoming events, programs, workshops, conferences, etc. for participation of the members. This issue covers Annual Conference on Economics and Public Policy, 2021 | Jindal School of Government and Public Policy | 20-21 December 2021 and CII National CSR Summit 2021 | 8 December 2021.
Global Events, suggested are Subsidiary Governance Summit | Chartered Governance Institute of UK & Ireland | 1-2 December 2021 and The Global Boardroom | The Financial Times | 7-9 December 2021.
Editorial Board
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