SEBI, the regulator of capital markets, has issued new guidelines for mutual fund reporting formats. The compliance certificate to be submitted by an Asset Management Company (AMC) to the trustees was formerly done bi-monthly and half-yearly, but SEBI has now changed it to quarterly.
The quarterly report to trustees by AMC must contain information on the number of live schemes as of the last day of the quarter, schemes launched during the year or existing schemes that have matured or been wound up and should be submitted every quarter, by the 21st calendar day of the following month for the quarters ending March, June, September, and December.
In addition to the main report, Trustees are required to send a Half Yearly Trustee Report (HYTR) on the activities of Mutual Funds/AMCs to SEBI within two months for the half years ended September and March, as well as a list of non-compliances.
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