- by Sisir Kumar Appikatla
Many a times, we are interested to know how independent directors think and feel about their work, experience pleasure and anxiety, operating on particular values or ethics, their function in a context to exert power and affected by power...
We also look for the accounts of practices in a storytelling manner, covering areas of practices relevant to working of independent directors, board members and other governance professionals.
With this context, this Vignette section for The Hub – January 2021 captures the sheer experience sharing of an Independent Director on turning the financials of a PSU in steel sector from RED to GREEN.
His endeavor in drawing a recovery path from extinction–being on the verge of dis-investment, energizing human resources to be accountable for organization, changing the bidding process to win more projects, transforming both top line and bottom line growth, U-turning promotion scope for seniors (DGM level…) through meritocracy are some of the key achievements the author cherishes.
Metamorphic analogy of “TijorikiChabi” for a newly married “BAHU” in a huge “KHANDAN” is aptly captured in his experience sharing.
For more details of the first-hand experience sharing on being a satisfied Independent Director, read …‘My experiments as an independent director.’
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