SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 with proposed amendments regarding the applicability and role of the risk management committee, a consultation paper has been issued for public comments.
In June 2017, a committee on corporate governance headed by Shri. Uday Kotak was constituted by SEBI with an aim to improve the standards of Corporate Governance of listed entities. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, the following amendments were made to LODR Regulations with respect to the Risk Management Committee:
Considering the multitude of risks faced by listed entities, risk management has emerged as a very important function of the board. The Covid 19 pandemic has also reinforced the need for a robust risk management framework. While LODR Regulations specify the role of various board committees of listed entities such as Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholder Relationship Committee, defining the role and responsibilities of the Risk Management Committee (except for cyber security risk) is left to individual boards of listed entities.
In light of the increasing importance of the risk management function, a need is thus felt to:
The details regarding the modifications in the role of the committee, the consultation paper could be referred at the below mentioned link
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