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Independent Directors play an important role of a watchdog. They ensure that the cases of corporate misgovernance do not occur. Independent Directors or Non-Executive Directors join the board of directors in different capacities. They come from different backgrounds and have diverse skill sets. There is also an increasing demand for Independent Directors with impeccable records. Realizing the increasing complexity among the working of Independent Directors, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) has designed online courses. These e-courses aim to refresh the basic knowledge base and enhance the efficiency of Non-Executive Directors.

Participants will be trained to be globally oriented and be more focused in their pursuit of knowledge. Through online courses, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs aims at building an effective company board, which is aware of all the aspects of corporate governance. Ministry also wants to cater to the future demands for professional, knowledgeable, and effective Independent Directors. Online courses are a consolidation of relevant clauses of the Companies Act, 2013, Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) of SEBI, and different case studies. These online courses will help in shaping professionalism among Non-Executive Directors through the “International Best Practices”.


Bite Sized Modules

Each category of online courses is further divided into bite sized or small modules. These modules are designed to engage learners and provide comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Post-assessment Quizzes to Check Learner’s Retention

Post-assessment quizzes will appear at the end of each module to check learner’s retention. These questions will comprise of different interactive activities.

Anytime and Anywhere Access

Independent Directors may access the online courses anytime, anywhere and from any device they use. Online courses are accessible from desktop, smartphones, and tablets.


Incorporation of Companies

Share Capital

General Meetings

Accounts of Companies

Debentures and Bonds

Acceptance of Deposits

Prospectus and allotment of shares

Related Party Transactions

Audit & Auditors

Mergers Amalgamation (M&As)

Institution of Directors

Duties of Directors

Liability of Directors and KMP

Oppression & Mismanagement

Safeguarding directors

Penalties and compounding of offences

SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements)Regulations, 2015 (LODR)

Board Committees

Secretarial Audit & Compliances

Board Meetings

Secretarial Standard 2

Corporate Social Responsibility

How to Read Balance Sheet?

Decoding Financial Statements

Professional Ethics for Independent Directors

Due Diligence Before Joining a Board

Exemplary Board

Board Effectiveness & Culture

Building Resilient Company: Board’s Role

Governance of Committees

Governance of Strategy

Managing CSR & Engaging Stakeholders

Managing Trough Financial Ratios

Board Evaluation

Evaluation of Independent Directors

Case Study - WorldCom

Case Study - Enron Corporation


Case Study - Olympus

Case Study - Hydro One

Case Study - Satyam

Case Study - Maruti Suzuki

Case Study - Financial Irregularities of the Amrapali Group

Case Study - Bankruptcy of Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd. (BPSL)

Case Study - Bankruptcy of Alok Industries

Case Study - Financial Irregularity of Yes Bank

Case Study - Bankruptcy of Essar Steel Ltd. (ESL)

Case Study - Financial Irregularity of IL&FS

Case Study - Financial Irregularity of Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank

Case Study - WorldCom

Case Study - Enron Corporation


Case Study - Olympus

Case Study - Hydro One

Case Study - Satyam

Case Study - Maruti Suzuki


Online Courses offer a vista of opportunities to the Independent Directors and the professionals who are willing to join the pool of Independent Directors. These online courses have the following gamut of advantages:

Build Competence in Corporate Governance

By taking these online courses, Independent Directors and future aspirants will have a strong understanding of corporate governance and they will be aware when they need to blow the whistle.

Develop Integrated Thinking and Skill

Independent Directors coming from different backgrounds may develop integrated thinking and skill through online courses.

Build a Professional Approach

Independent Directors may learn about the right approach that they need to follow at the time of conflict or crisis through online courses.

Consolidated Resources

Different provisions and sections of the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI LODR, case studies, etc. are consolidated in one place for easy access to the participants.

Courses based on “International Best Practices”

Case studies on the world’s biggest corporates are available to provide a concentrated point of reference for the Independent Directors.


The Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) will gradually revise the online courses section of the portal and keep on uploading more courses from time-to-time.

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