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Independent Directors serve as an important Institution of corporate governance contributing significantly at the boards by bringing a diverse set of skills with an independent judgement on the significant issues. Independent Directors need to act as the custodians of good governance by discharging monitoring and advisory role effectively. They need to act in the interest of the company and the interest of all stakeholders.

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has realised the importance of strengthening the Institution of Independent Directors and enhancing its effectiveness by way of creating a pool of skilled professionals to act as Agents of Change. MCA along with Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) has developed a databank of Independent Directors in accordance with the provisions of Section 150 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Simultaneously, acting as a facilitator and educator, the Ministry has provisioned for the capacity building of Independent Directors through an integrated Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver interactive and engaging library of eLearning courses.


The databank focuses on the following key objectives:
Develop a databank of Independent directors by way of empanelment of existing Independent Directors as well as the professionals aspiring to become independent directors.
Build capacities of Individuals by delivering eLearning courses on topics related to corporate governance, regulatory framework, financial prudence, and other important aspects.
Provide a platform to individuals to help them acquire knowledge, develop new skills, assess their understanding, and apply best practices.
Create an eco-system of individuals looking for opportunites and corporate requiring to appoint independent directors.


The databank has the following key features to offer:
  • Empanelment of professionals acting as Independent Directors

  • Empanelment of professionals with/without DIN who wish to serve as Independent Directors

  • Online courses offered through an integrated Learning Management System (LMS):

    • Board Essentials Courses

    • Board Practice Courses

  • Newsletter and knowledge resources for continued professional development

  • Profile sharing for corporate access for helping them appoint well-trained and informed Independent Director

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This is Beta version of Independent Director's Databank.